Project update – November

November 10th, 2016

Over the past month, the project team has continued to develop the framework to protect the ecology and retain significant green space and environmental corridors in the landscape of a proposed future development at Ginninderra.

As part of ongoing environmental studies, Umwelt Pty Limited (Umwelt) was engaged to undertake this ecological survey for the Ginninderra Field Station to determine the extent of ecological values, including matters of national environmental significance (MNES) on the property.

In early November, we were pleased to release the Ecological Values of CSIRO Ginninderra Research Station Report.

If you have any questions about the findings, please leave a comment below or email us.

Umwelt also prepared an Ecological Management Plan to assist us to maintain the condition of matters of national environmental significance (MNES) in identified areas.

The Ecological Values Report is one of three reports that has been released to the wider public. We look forward to adding to this number as the planning process continues.

Last week, a workshop was held for the project team to further refine our aspiration to partner in creating a world-leading sustainable urban community at Ginninderra which is underpinned by science and best practice.

We examined successful international design models and developed sustainability benchmarks and targets which will be included in the tender documents to inform a joint-development partner.

We are also in the process of collating the information required for an ACT heritage nomination.

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