Sustainability targets underpin vision

November 10th, 2016

CSIRO’s Ginninderra Project team has been busy refining the vision, and setting the goals, objectives, benchmarks and measures that will underpin Ginninderra and make it unique.

At Ginninderra, we aspire to partner in creating a world-leading sustainable urban community that is supported by science and best practice.

As part of the planning that will feed into the next stage of attracting an outstanding joint development partner, our team workshopped the sustainability framework including:

  • Refining the project vision, drivers, objectives and constraints
  • Identifying risks and opportunities
  • Examining national and international examples of benchmark design
  • Defining sustainability benchmarks and targets in environmental, social and economic aspects. This included targets for energy and water efficiency, ecology, materials and waste management, economic activity, jobs, transport, affordable housing and community activity among other focus areas.

CSIRO’s aspiration continues to be to create a community and urban precinct that showcases world’s best practice in nature conservation, urban design, construction and long-term liveability. The aim is for the Ginninderra to be an exemplar, both nationally and internationally, with a community proud of its place in the Canberra region.

CSIRO’s priorities for the Ginninderra project include restoring and improving key areas of the natural environment, while setting a new benchmark for design and development.

Through the planning, design and construction of Ginninderra, we want to create a place where people want to live and enjoy living.

Given the size, location and long development timeframe, Ginninderra affords a great opportunity to trial, test and research various technologies, innovations and initiatives.






  1. We are excited at the opportunity to create something very special. You have the tools and the expertise available in your organisation to make us, the community and Australia proud. So often we have been let down by the deplorable developments in the ACT. The architecture is deplorable and there seems to be distinct leaning with builders and developers to cram as many building sites into a space as humanly possible.
    Please CSIRO you can do better, show them how it is done, lets be a leader not a follower.
    Jan James

    1. Thanks Jan. Our aim is to set a new benchmark for sustainable urban development which combines a diversity of housing, community and recreational facilities together with some retail and commercial opportunities. These will be integrated with the restoration, conservation and management of the landscape.

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