Ecological Values of CSIRO Ginninderra Field Station Report

November 3rd, 2016

As we have discussed with many members of the community at our drop-in sessions, retaining green spaces and corridors and protecting Ginninderra’s ecology are key considerations for our project planning.

As part of the process, we have continued to consult with a range of conservation groups through workshops and site tours.

In addition, Umwelt Pty Limited (Umwelt) was engaged by CSIRO to undertake an ecological survey for the Ginninderra Field Station to determine the extent of ecological values, including matters of national environmental significance (MNES) on the property.

We are pleased to release the results of the Ecological Values of CSIRO Ginninderra Research Station Report.

Key survey findings include:

  • Umwelt described an area of 114.41 hectares of vegetation meeting the definition of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) listed Critically Endangered Ecological Community (CEEC) ‘White Box – Yellow Box – Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland’. An equivalent community is listed as Endangered in the ACT under the Nature Conservation Act 2014 (NC Act) as ‘Yellow Box/Red Gum Grassy Woodland’. Vegetation meeting the definition of these communities was further described in collaboration with CSIRO vegetation ecologists, resulting in a total of 112.78 hectares of this community being present in a range of condition classes.
  • At least 32.86 hectares of confirmed golden sun moth habitat, a Critically Endangered species under the EPBC Act, and Endangered under the NC Act
  • 95 species of birds, including three Vulnerable birds under the NC Act (little eagle – breeding, scarlet robin and white-winged triller), one migratory bird under the EPBC Act (Latham’s snipe)
  • 12 species of reptiles, including striped legless lizard (Vulnerable under the EPBC Act and NC Act)
  • 3 species of frogs (non-targeted list likely to be more)
  • 243 plant taxa across 62 plant families, including 128 native taxa, 117 exotic taxa and 16 planted native taxa.

Umwelt has also prepared an Ecological Management Plan to assist CSIRO to maintain the condition of matters of national environmental significance (MNES) in identified areas.

Currently, CSIRO is working through options to maintain ecological values in the context of proposed urban development. This includes consideration as to how identified areas can be maintained or improved in an urban reserve context, ensuring connectivity between viable remnants to maintain diversity, and appropriate urban management actions to reduce impacts on biodiversity.

The area of land to be conserved for ecological values and persistence of species is over 30% of the site. This will provide valuable recreational and conservation areas, as well as preserve some of the views of the hills and ridges currently experienced by adjoining suburbs. These open spaces will also allow for wildlife to continue traversing the property.

If you have any questions or suggestions on the environmental management of Ginninderra, please contact us.