Project update – October

October 11th, 2016

Off the back of the community drop-in-sessions we held at the end of August, we are pleased to be able to release the report that documents the feedback we received from the community.

The sessions were designed to build on the previous neighbourhood drop-in sessions held in September 2015.

174 people attended the two sessions at Evatt and Gold Creek with a variety of comments and questions raised by attendees.

In response to our four themed stations at the drop-in sessions, comments and questions provided on feedback forms included:

  • Housing – 24 comments/questions.
  • Community Facilities – 21 comments/ questions.
  • Conservation – 19 comments/ questions.
  • Roads and Transport – 8 comments/ questions

Further topics commented on through the feedback forms were:

  • CSIRO’s consultation with the community – 5 comments/ questions
  • Impact of urban development on residents of neighbouring suburbs – 4 comments/ questions
  • CSIRO’s role in development at the Ginninderra Field Station site – 3 comments/ questions
  • Other: International design competition (1 comment); Impact of development at Ginninderra on ACT electoral boundaries (1 question)

CSIRO is committed to taking on board the comments received in future planning and design processes.

We have updated the FAQ’s section of our website to answer all the questions that were asked by the community at both the drop-in-sessions, along with the continued questions we are receiving through the website and on Facebook.

We are continuing to meet with interested groups and organisations to discuss the project, and have been invited to present at the Belconnen Community Council meeting on Tuesday 18 October.

If you would like to discuss the community engagement report or any other aspect of the project with us, we invite you to contact us by either completing a feedback form, emailing the project team or engaging with us through our Facebook page.