Project update – September

September 12th, 2017

As the second stage of our development partner procurement continues, this month we were pleased to introduce additional members of the Ginninderra Project team.

As CSIRO’s Acting Director of Business and Infrastructure Services, Joe Colbert is leading the planning and strategic development of CSIRO’s Ginninderra initiative. With his diverse background in business and strategic planning, property management, procurement, health and environmental sustainability, Joe is ideally equipped to manage the project and the associated strategic planning and delivery.

Matt Adcock has lived and breathed research for two decades and continues to do so at CSIRO. Matt’s role in the Ginninderra project is to investigate how new forms of stakeholder engagement can be used to enable greater understanding and collaboration between residents, developers, government and others. One example has been the use of drone photography, presented in a Virtual Reality (VR) headset at the community consultation sessions.

Simon Toze has been a leader within CSIRO’s urban research for more than a decade and currently plays an important role within the Ginninderra Project Team as a Principal Senior Research Scientist. Simon has been developing research into resilient urban systems to benefit Australian and international communities. More specifically, he has been looking into how to make the site become a model water-wise development which achieves a zero water-discharge.

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