Ginninderra Project Team – Staff spotlight on Matt Adcock

August 17th, 2017

Matt Adcock has lived and breathed research for two decades and continues to do so at CSIRO.

He has completed studies at the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab and at the Australian National University where he is an Adjunct Fellow.

With research interests in mixed reality interfaces, computer graphics and human computer interaction, Matt is now a Senior Research Engineer and Experimental Scientist in CSIRO Data61’s Quantitative Imaging Team. He is also a member of the Ginninderra Project team.

Matt uses Computational Imaging, Interactive 3D Graphics and User Experience Innovation to build systems that enable new insights from data about our physical world.

Consequently, Matt’s role in the Ginninderra project is to investigate how new forms of stakeholder engagement can be used to enable greater understanding and collaboration between residents, developers, government and others. One example has been the use of drone photography, presented in a Virtual Reality (VR) headset at the community consultation sessions.

As the Ginninderra project progresses, Matt is planning to apply state of the art immersive technologies such as collaborative Augmented Reality (AR) to allow groups of people to explore and discuss alternative urban plans and designs in a much more efficient manner than has been previously possible.

Additionally, Matt is developing tools to allow buildings and their urban design context to be incorporated, reviewed and modified within the drone-captured video footage of the Ginninderra site. This will enable interactive engagement from a web browser, with no plugins – supporting 3D collaborative discussions at scale.

Matt is also responsible, as part of the Ginninderra Project team, for figuring out new ways of fostering collaboration between researchers and innovators to get the most benefit from precinct-scale technology trials and research.