Protecting Ginninderra’s environment and heritage
Canberra is famous for its beautiful natural environment and how it incorporates green spaces into the city and urban landscapes. In managing the Ginninderra site, CSIRO has been taking steps to protect important plant and animal communities, and their natural ecology.
CSIRO engaged ecological consultants to determine the extent of ecological values on the Ginninderra Experiment Station. The consultants produced the Ecological Values Report which lists all species recorded on the site as well as threatened ecological communities.
In response, CSIRO has identified more than 30% of the site as areas to be conserved to protect threatened Box Gum Grassy Woodland and derived native grasslands and species such as the golden sun moth and striped legless lizard.

CSIRO has also been working a range of consultants and stakeholders to better understand the Indigenous and post European settlement heritage at, and in areas that surround, the site.
In recent years CSIRO has led various ecological research activities on site and worked closely with community partners such as the Ginninderra Catchment Group and community volunteers to restore biodiversity in the Box Gum Woodlands and the native grasslands.