Project update – August

August 8th, 2017

Much of our focus over the past month or so has been continuing to provide updates and increase the understanding of the project within the community and interested organisations. In mid-June, our team were invited to provide an update to the Gungahlin Community Council, while in early July several of our scientists met with representatives from ActewAGL to discuss leading practice in sustainable infrastructure and integration.

Also this month, the second stage of our procurement process to select a development partner has commenced. This process will be underway for most of the remainder of the year. We expect to be able to provide a detailed update to the community in early 2018.

We were also pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Anita Hill a few weeks ago as the Executive Science Lead of the Ginninderra Project within CSIRO. Dr Hill will provide leadership of the integrated urban science program to be undertaken at Ginninderra.

“The development of our Ginninderra site will allow CSIRO’s science and that of our partners to deliver an integrated urban environment at appropriate scale,” said Dr Hill.

Dr Hill has been a valued member of the CSIRO team for the past 20 years, with a research focus on materials and process engineering. She is currently the Executive Director of Future Industries at CSIRO which includes Manufacturing, Health and Biosecurity and CSIRO Services. She also serves as the Chief Scientist for CSIRO.

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