Project Update

February 9th, 2016

Over the past month the project team has continued its environmental and heritage studies so that this important information can be obtained concurrently to the land reclassification process that is ongoing.

We are waiting on the outcome of Draft Amendment 86. Once we are aware of the outcome we will consider the next steps for the project and ensure we communicate this to our stakeholders.

You can read more about the process in detail on the NCA website.

We expect to find out more about the outcome of the request later this month or in March.

In the meantime the Ginninderra Project team will continue to work with the community, government, research partners, and other stakeholders, to create something unique and remarkable at Ginninderra.



  1. Identification of environmental and heritage values should occur before rezoning it all as future urban area.

    The current approach is bad practice for consultation and will result in a bad outcome for the environment and heritage where we have to restart the discussion on them to gain protection.

    Why are you not identifying environmental and heritage values first, then propose to build around them? What are the baseline studies for the bird populations of the area? What is the extent of the wetland and riparian zones? What are the values of the woodland areas? How large will be the buffer zones? What is the relationship with adjacent reserves?

    The Government should reject the request under Draft Amendment 86 as there is not enough public information on what is on the area and how it needs to be protected.

    1. Hi Larry, thanks for your comment,

      CSIRO is committed to protecting the environmental and heritage values on the site and linking with broader conservation efforts in the ACT and neighbouring parts of NSW.

      We have already undertaken significant work to ensure that we meet this commitment and when these studies are finalised we will be happy to share them with the community.

  2. Are there any Aboriginal issues associated with the site? What are they?
    Thank you.

    1. Our Heritage Management Plan, which includes the indigenous heritage values, is at Draft Final status. As part of our thorough process we are consulting with the Representative Aboriginal Organisations before the Plan can go through final review and endorsement. Following this the heritage findings and management approach will be posted on our web site.

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