Project update – March

March 14th, 2017

As we continue to collate the information required for the RFP as part of our procurement process, this month the project team also spent time exploring how new technologies could be utilised at the Ginninderra site in the future.

Advanced tools and expertise in understanding and analysing the past, present and future material and energy requirements of our cities provide us with new opportunities to plan and create truly sustainable cities and urban systems.

Four-dimensional modelling (4D-GIS) could be used to map and project sustainable resource flows, recycling, and environmental management benefits as the development unfolds at Ginninderra. The model could guide economic opportunities and provide a framework for positive and complementary relationships with neighbouring communities, the city and its environment.

Additionally, we’re looking at a ‘cognitive’ metering system that identifies the electrical ‘fingerprint’ of individual appliances to improve energy efficiency in homes, commercial buildings and industrial facilities. The system based around Ecocentric’s Numen technology will break data down further than smart metering systems to show where and when energy is being used within a given building.

This is exactly the sort of system that could be developed, tested and refined in a science-backed sustainable urban development like CSIRO Ginninderra.

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  1. Hi all,
    Could we also include some community food growing systems as part of our substainability

    1. Hi Peter,
      We have had many similar comments from others in regards to community gardens and it has now been included in our EcoPlan for the site. The objective from the EcoPlan Vision is to incorporate agriculture into urban design to provide a food source, reduce food transported to the site and provide a social and educational resource for the community. It is definitely something we are looking into for the site.

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