Project update – July

July 20th, 2016

Over the past month the project team has been continuing to engage with a range of conservation groups regarding the ecological and heritage values of the site.  This included a half-day workshop on 27 June with several member groups of the Conservation Council, including representatives from Friends of Grasslands, Ginninderra Catchment Group, Mt Rogers Landcare Group, the Canberra Ornithological Group, as well as the Biodiversity Working Group within the Conservation Council.

The workshop was a follow-up to a site visit of the Ginninderra property that was conducted in early June, and provided an opportunity for the Ginninderra Project Team to discuss and seek feedback on the principles for conservation and development that will inform subsequent stages of the project.

This month, we have also made plans to continue our conversation with the broader community about the Ginninderra Project. As part of our ongoing engagement activities we will be holding neighbourhood drop-in sessions in Evatt and Gold Creek to provide community members with an opportunity to receive an update on the project and to ask any questions about plans for the site.


Session 1 – Evatt

Date: Thursday 25 August 2016

Time: 3:00pm to 6:30pm

Venue: Evatt Scout Hall

Address: Heydon Crescent, Evatt


Session 2 – Gold Creek (Nicholls)

Date: Saturday 27 August 2016

Time: 12:00pm to 4:00pm

Venue: The Abbey

Address: Gold Creek Village, Nicholls


At these events, you will be able to talk with our project team and contribute your ideas, helping to shape our vision for the property and the principles that will guide sustainable urban development.

There will also be the chance to provide general feedback about the project.  If you can’t attend either session, but still want to provide feedback, please complete the online enquiry contact form.

In preparation for these upcoming drop-in sessions in August 2016, we are pleased to share a report on the initial community consultation that CSIRO undertook last year. The report outlines CSIRO’s approach to community consultation and the main issues and questions that the community raised.

The drop-in sessions scheduled for August 2016, are the next key opportunity for community input.