Project update – February 2023
We’re starting the new year with a number of initiatives to help us better understand and manage the Ginninderra site. We’ll be undertaking a conservation survey on Ginninderra West to build on and update our knowledge about the site’s ecological values, as well as carrying out minor works to improve the day-to-day management of the site.
We recently engaged an environmental consultancy firm to undertake ecological surveys and conservation assessments on Ginninderra West. These extensive surveys will further build on and update our knowledge about the flora and fauna species at Ginninderra and help inform our approach to managing the site and future conservation planning.
The surveys of Ginninderra West have already started and over the upcoming 12 months will include:
- Updating the vegetation mapping into Plant Community Types (PCT)
- Continuation of mapping and assessment of threatened ecological communities
- Targeted surveys for key invertebrate species of interest, birds, and plant species such as the Ginninderra Peppercress (Lepidium ginninderrense)
- Individual assessments of mature native remnant woodland trees in paddock areas to update their conservation status and investigate potential nesting hollows used by Superb Parrots (Polytelis swainsonii) and Gang-gang Cockatoos (Callocephalon fimbriatum)
Native vegetation has previously been mapped for the entire Ginninderra site and assessed against the criteria for threatened habitats. However, most studies relating to Ginninderra West are now greater than five years old. The new survey work will help update our knowledge about the ecological values of Ginninderra West.

Jacqui Stol, Senior Environmental Scientist in CSIRO’s Environment team, gives the environmental consultants an initial tour of Ginninderra to help inform their survey work.

A Brown Falcon (Falco berigora) pictured at Ginninderra in January 2023
We are also commencing work to upgrade the existing roads on the site to help address site access issues during wet weather. The upgrades will involve grading and weatherproofing the roads as well as upgrading the drainage. We will also be repairing gates and fencing to improve emergency services access to the site, including upgrading the entrance gate on Kuringa Drive.
The dry weather is a perfect opportunity to undertake these works. A view from the water tower on site shows how the summer heat is affecting the landscape.

A view of Ginninderra from the water tower in January 2023
We are currently working to engage a contractor to remove buildings from Ginninderra that are no longer required. This work will help prepare the site for proposed future development.
None of these works will occur in identified conservation areas, and consistent with our standard environmental management practices, specific measures will be in place to ensure trees and sensitive vegetation proximate to these works will be protected.