Project update – February

February 14th, 2017

As we welcome in 2017, some of the Ginninderra project team have been enjoying a holiday break while others are working hard to define how CSIRO science can be applied to transform the site.

CSIRO has a wealth of science knowledge, data, technology and innovation that it can contribute to the ‘whole-of-system’ solutions that are needed. CSIRO and Citizen-led science is already underway at Ginninderra and community inspired innovation could also help drive a wide range of outcomes including the prospect of a greater range of affordable housing options.

Over the past two months we have also been taking the required steps to finalise the Request for Proposal to identify a development partner. We are excited by the prospect of new and emerging opportunities to work with innovative players in the property and construction industry to deliver the best outcome for the community.

In early February, CSIRO’s first Urban Living Lab designed to innovate, develop and road-test the cities of the future was launched at the Sydney Science Park site.

A joint initiative of CSIRO and Celestino, the Urban Living Lab (and others like it in a range of urban and city environments) provide a space in which to nurture innovation and collaboration, to apply science and test new ideas and technologies for their potential to deliver more liveable, sustainable and resilient cities and urban areas. The Ginninderra initiative is anticipated to be a key Urban Living Lab where new technologies and innovations can be developed and applied at significant scale.

Through the Australia-Korea Foundation project agreement established in late 2016, a follow-up workshop to develop joint research activities has been planned for Goyang, South Korea, in February or March 2017. This builds on the Memorandum of Understanding between CSIRO Land and Water and the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) to establish a collaboration project.

We look forward to bringing you more news about the Ginninderra Project throughout 2017, and as always, if you have a question about the project please feel free to email us at or visit our Facebook page.