Planning for the future

October 22nd, 2015


Retaining green spaces and corridors and protecting Ginninderra’s ecology has already been raised by many community members during the consultations so far.

As part of the process, we are conducting environmental studies to fully understand the Ginninderra landscape and ecology. At 701 hectares, it is a large piece of land with variations across the site. While studies are still ongoing, environment and conservation are a key consideration for the site.

Based on studies so far, approximately 150 hectares of the land is unlikely to be developable due to its topography, heritage and ecological values, and will likely remain open space.

This will provide valuable recreational and conservation areas, as well as preserve some of the views of the hills and ridges currently experienced by adjoining suburbs. These open spaces will also allow for wildlife to continue traversing the property.

Alongside the farmland on the site is a diverse ecology, including protected species such as the golden sun moth and box gum woodlands along with many other plant and animal species.

A program for ongoing management to support critical ecosystem services, biodiversity, and cultural values will be developed. With the support and research of CSIRO scientists, the approach to conservation management will take into account multiple factors, as part of an overall avoidance, mitigation and offset strategy. This will include measures to restore and support conserved areas.

Offsetting measures, if required, would seek to establish compensatory areas as close to the location of the impact as possible and would follow the established Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 offset policy.

The project team working on the biodiversity assessment aspect of the project were responsible for preparation of the Gungahlin Strategic Assessment and are also presently working with the Riverview Group and ACT Government (LDA) in preparation of the West Belconnen Strategic Assessment.

The team has a detailed appreciation of the broader opportunities and constraints in the wider area, providing consistency between these connected parts of the landscape.

The Ginninderra site is an important part of Canberra and we look forward to working with local residents, conservation and community groups on the future of this land.

If you have any questions or suggestions on the environmental management of Ginninderra, please contact us.


  1. Hi,
    Many thanks for the update.
    Are you able to send me a list of the protected, endangered and critically endangered (etc) species located on the Field Station site please?
    In addition, are you able to provide the details of any important indigenous cultural areas within the Field Station?
    Thank you and regards,

    1. Hi Chris,

      Thank you for your comment. We are currently conducting environmental studies to ensure ongoing protection of areas that need to be protected for the future use of the site, and to understand what the environmental impacts are for any development of the land.

      The studies are not yet finalised, however we will be happy to make these studies available at the appropriate time. Heritage studies are also ongoing.

      When these works and other related heritage and ecological studies are finalised we will refer this to the Department of the Environment under the EPBC Act (1999) to undertake the environmental assessment process. The reports will become public at this time and the need for an environmental impact statement and/or other further studies will then be determined.

  2. Hi,
    What measures are you planning to protect the heritage area of Palmerville? This is a wonderful piece of land and our heritage and needs protection from housing and development.

    1. Hi Sarah,

      With regard to Palmerville, the vast majority of this settlement is located outside the CSIRO site and is covered by a Heritage Management Plan. For the area located on the CSIRO site, a Heritage Management Plan is being prepared for the site in consultation with the Representative Aboriginal Organisations and agency stakeholders. CSIRO will continue to work with the community and stakeholders to ensure the heritage values of the site are recognised and celebrated. When development planning begins, it will be directly informed by the heritage values of the site and areas comprising Aboriginal sites and potential remains of the former Palmerville settlement and the Charnwood Homestead site will all be appropriately conserved.

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