Ginninderra vision

January 9th, 2018

Ginninderra is located in Canberra’s North, and comprises 701 hectares of farmland, remnant native woodland and grasslands. The area, rich in local history and heritage, has been used by CSIRO for over 60 years as a centre for agricultural research.

As the city evolves, so too does CSIRO’s research. What remains constant, is CSIRO’s commitment to drawing on science, innovation and collective knowledge from the community, government bodies and industry, to transform Ginninderra into a showcase for sustainable urban living: vibrant, liveable, smart and sustainable.

Creating smarter cities is vital to the future of our planet, and our people. Ginninderra is a reflection of CSIRO’s commitment to achieving this – somewhere individuals, families and community can live, work and thrive.

CSIRO Ginninderra is creating the future of urban living through science, innovation and collaboration.