CSIRO launches tender for partner to deliver land development in Belconnen

May 9th, 2016

Published on 9 May in the Canberra Times. Written by Natasha Boddy.

The CSIRO has begun the hunt for a partner to deliver a major redevelopment of its massive Ginninderra Field Station to make way for a new urban area on Canberra’s northern outskirts.

On Monday, the research organisation will begin advertising a tender calling for expressions of interest for a joint development partner.


The CSIRO has asked the National Capital Authority to allow the sale of its Ginninderra field station site for possible new development.


The tender comes only days after the federal government gave the green light to a major shake-up in planning for the ACT, with the first comprehensive review of the National Capital Plan allowing CSIRO to sell off its 701-hectare Ginninderra Field Station and zoning it as urban.

Established in 1960, the field station is on the ACT-NSW border, framed by the Barton Highway, William Slim Drive, Owen Dixon Drive and Kuringa Drive.

According to tender documents, CSIRO currently uses a third of the land.

“This underutilisation of the land is inefficient for CSIRO and the community and greater benefits could be achieved through alternative use of this site,” the documents say.

“CSIRO wishes to partner with a suitable respondent for the purposes of establishing a new suburb(s) compromising residential, commercial, retail and community infrastructure and services.”

The expression of interest closes on May 19, which is expected to enable CSIRO to shortlist potential development partners.

Redevelopment could be underway within two to three years.

The planning changes, announced last week and reported first in Fairfax Media, will also allow residential development in Tuggeranong, west of the Murrumbidgee River, although it will be up to the ACT government to decide when the suburbs go ahead.

The parliamentary triangle’s East and West Blocks will be opened up for use as hotels, offices, restaurants, cafes or retail spaces and outdated federal government office buildings at Anzac Park East and West redeveloped.


  1. Thank you for the informative information. I have been impressed by the details that have been given to us, we are very interested in conserving the lifestyle we benefits when choosing Fraser as our residential address.
    My concern is two fold,
    1. I see from the map showing the different classifications to the land detail quite a deal of land (cream) that is still to be determined the use of. Some land seems to be in the area around the creek that flows through the land close to Kuringa drive which we hoped would be for walking and cycle path recreation land.
    Can you please comment

    1. Thank you for your feedback and question. The map represents CSIRO’s initial assessment of the development potential of the site. As you have noted, there are some areas identified that require further investigation. This is the case with the area you are referring to adjacent to Fraser and bounded by Halls Creek and Kuringa Drive. These additional investigations are now underway. CSIRO’s vision is for a permeable and connected development that promotes social interactions and community, with opportunities for walking and cycling and an open space network sensitive to conservation and recreation requirements. We have not resolved this level of planning detail yet, but the creek and drainage lines will form the spine of the open space network that connects the site.

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